Saturday, 15 June 2013

Otis Redding and the Water Cooler Moments

Did you see it? Brilliant wasn't it.
I watched the BBC4 night on Otis Redding and the Stax tour of Europe a week or so ago, and was blown away by just how good that music was. But also being thrilled that rather than simply being a contractual obligation, the trip to Europe actually meant something to musicians involved. That the passion, the vitality, that huge wave of energy they set free was in part a response to the love they were feeling from their audience. The nice little footnote that when he went on stage at Monterey Otis told his band to 'play it like we did in Europe.'
But there was something more about it. Ever since then I have been running into people saying 'did you see it? Great wasn't it.' It is as if BBC4 has managed to wake something, remind us of something that we had half forgotten. They freed that music from  the smothering blanket of lacklustre covers and cloying tribute, by bringing us back face to face with the source material.

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