Saturday, 31 August 2013

Twerking, oh ok thats what it's called.

What does it remind me of? Yes that’s it. If they ever they remake The Office with a female David Brent, a red nose day re-enactment of Miley Cyrus’ VMA performance would be ideal.

 The world will have moved on from such things, but all the twittering about Miley’s ‘twerking’ made me a curious enough to view the performance on YouTube. I quickly realised that I do know what ‘twerking’ is, and it is nothing new. About twenty years ago MTV liked to make itself look edgy by playing lots of 2LiveCrew videos. These featured significant portions of rump shaking.

Back to Miley. She appears looking like a PG rated version on Keith Flint from The Prodigy. Horns of hair, staring eyes, teeth bared and tongue lolling from brightly painted lips. The performance clearly has big production values. But while somebody like Lady Gaga can lead such proceedings as a Master Ceremonies, Cyrus seems a bewildered child at the carnival, like Pinocchio lost.

From the anally fixated nature of the proceedings I presume it is about trying to portray Cyrus as a more edgy adult performer. It would have been nice if she had been given a song to match. I am no expert on R&B/Hip-hop but the tune seems like generic stuff, produced using a process similar to injection moulding. I have read people suggesting that Cyrus asked for ‘blacker’ style. I not going to engage with this because my toes have curled so tight I’ve got cramp in my earlobes.

The arrival of Robin Thicke perks things up.(How do you pronounce ‘Thicke’? As in trick or as in tricky). I am unaware of his other work but he has a more interesting voice and a nice bit of swagger. His arrival also provides an opportunity to crank up the arse/crutch factor still higher. The camera pans to faces in the audience who I presume are famous people. They don’t look that impressed.

The overall impression is a little bit unsettling. I somehow come away feeling poorer for the experience.

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